A throwback to simpler times!
This sure is a departure from my typical entry. What got me here today? I recently saw a post on Facebook about how my hometown of West Windsor did not make the "10 best communities to live in" list. But do we really need a list to validate something we experience every day? Ask anyone who has moved to this town in the last ten years and the first thing they will talk about is the location (being on the NorthEast Corridor Line) or the great school district. For me though it is the soft side of the community that makes it the best to live in. The community that holds hands together when you have a personal or a family crisis, a community that spends time finding ways to help those facing hardships in the surrounding areas, a community that gathers together every Saturday morning at the train station commuter parking lot. Aah, I love this last one on the list. Every saturday morning from May through October the train station parking lot is transformed into a throwback to simpler times at The West Windsor Community Farmers Market.Today was like any other saturday morning for our family. A morning yoga practice for some of us and then off to the market. This is where you get know the farmers who grow your food, be it exotic veggies from Chia Sin Farm, cheese from Cherry Grove Farm, mushrooms from Davidson's or getting to know the multiple generations of Stults' farmers (including the 10 year old budding writer in the family).Every market day you will find Chris Cirkus, the market magician at the information tent. And while you are there, check out the market cookbooks or grab a copy of Edible Jersey to inspire you.
Here's one place where you can get soaps to soothe your sunburn, socks to keep you warm for the upcoming cold weather, bread for the week, baked goods for afternoon tea, beautiful flowers to brighten up your day, week or month, BBQ sauces and Ketchup for condiments, knives sharpened to help you with the fabulous meal you will cook that evening and...to top it all...crepes and fresh squeezed juice for breakfast. Your one stop shop to simple living.
And as you are about to wrap up the nourishment for your body, take a small step to nourish your soul and donate some fresh goodness to Yes We Can Food Drive which supports The Crisis Ministry. Today they were in need of apples and cherry tomatoes.
How Fresh is the market, see for yourself next Saturday or check it out on NJTV on August 25th.
After you enjoy your great home cooked meal that evening, drive 3 more miles straight down to Mercer lake and watch the sun set. Nothing can beat it. And so I leave you with.........do we really need a list to validate what we already know?