Seeking Light in Monotones!

The northeast winter this year has been brutal.  My friends and family are all tired of the snow, snow and more snow...but next week is forecasted to be in the mild 50s. The spring time blooms and new grass shoots will bring color all around.In fact, the indian holiday of Holi was last week.  The play of  color was everywhere over social media.  For once people forgot the whiteness of winter.  Color is such a wonderful thing that we tend to take it for granted.  What if our world was indeed shades of grey?  Where would the excitement come from?  When viewed through the lens of a camera its the play of light that brings forth the excitement.  I took a detour from the color shots this week to bring forth mostly stark black and white images of the two people that bring color to my life.  Even in shades of black, white and grey...there are my everyday Holi!Heres a glimpse of those images.regional2015-8 regional2015-7 regional2015-6 regional2015-5 regional2015-4 regional2015-3 regional2015-2 regional2015-1 snow-7 snow-6 snow B&W snow-4 snow-3 snow-2 snow-1 


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